Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Feel Full For Free

“Man cannot live by bread alone//He needs something stronger//To feed his hungry soul//So he’ll try everything under the sun//But nothing will end his hunger//Nothing but your love//He’ll acquire treasure//But it won’t amount to much//He’ll fall in love with pleasure//And none will fill him up//And when he has exhausted//All that this world could give to him//Still him will not grow weary//Of chasing after the wind.”

Above is one of my favorite parts of the song “Bread” sung by Christian singer/song writer Ginny Owens. The message that Owens relays in her song is something that has been weighing heavily on my heart.

I recently completed my first semester of college, and had a whole semester of watching other students completely giving themselves away to the things of this world. I would look around and see people searching for something that they could cling to-- something of substance. People in today’s world are looking for someone/something to gravitate towards when hardships come their way. Or they are looking for something to fill a void, but the thing is people are looking in all the wrong places. Humanity is hungry for something... but having a boyfriend or girlfriend, the best education, the perfect job, the coolest friends, money, latest fashions, and accolades from man does not lead to that fulfillment and satisfaction that people seem to be searching for. I am not saying that having a good education, a respectable job, or nice clothes is a bad thing, BUT when we turn to those things for fulfillment in this life, then we are on a road to destruction.

Also, drugs, alcohol, partying, and sex do not lead to that feeling of completion or acceptance either. Actually those things end up making an individual feel less full— because they are not of substance. The sad thing is, some don’t even realize that there is something out there that is soooooo much better... and that is JESUS CHRIST!

John 4:13-14 reads, “Jesus answered, ‘Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give will never be thirsty. The water I give will become a spring of water gushing up inside that person, giving eternal life.’” The previous scripture is from the portion of text where Jesus is speaking to the woman at the well.

John 6:35 reads, “Jesus said, 'I am the Bread of Life. The person who aligns with me hungers no more and thirsts no more, ever.'” That such a simple statement, but why don’t we always understand the powerful message that lies in that?!

The only way one can find true fulfillment, satisfaction, acceptance, joy, peace, happiness, etc., etc., etc., is in the Lord Jesus Christ. He can be your hope, peace, love, savior, redeemer, help in times of trouble, comforter, healer, strong tower. He can be everything we need! Once we realize that, then we won’t feel the need to rely on the things of this world, which are only temporary and therefore only provide temporary pleasure and happiness. The things of Christ are forever satisfying!

One of the closing lines of Owens’ song is “So restless and so hurried//I've spent so much time//Running after things//I'm going to have to leave behind.” We put some much effort into things of this world, but when it comes time to put in effort for the things of God and His Kingdom, we all scatter. It’s something that each and every one of us has to keep in check!

The good news is that it is never too late to come to Jesus Christ and become complete in Him! It doesn't cost you a thing! You should take comfort in knowing that you can feel full for free! Christ already paid your bill! Hunger no more.

[[is.your.life.filled.with.chirst?----> or.emptied.by.the.things.of.this.world?]]e


  1. Sometimes that void can't be filled with god alone. I mean, sometimes people just have mommy or daddy problems hahaha, but I totally get what you mean. People search for meaning in their life; even me. I am a christian and I am still searching; searching for what God plans for me, and also, searching to find others who believe the same as I do. Very often I find that people of my own religion push me away, and I wonder if that is the reason other people can't find Christ. Get what I mean?

  2. That's what the world wants us to think...that God's alone can't possibly satisify, but the opposite is quite true. We can!! Searching for meaning in this life is something we all do, christian or not BUT searching for meaning in Christ is completely different than searching for meaning in this world. We will only be satisified when we are completing the work that God wants us to, not by coming up with what we think God wants us to do. We can take comfort in knowing that this [whatever "this" is] is what Christ wants us to do. That can only be found through prayer and devotion to him. That's where I am coming from.
