Friday, July 15, 2011

I'm Glad My Pen Runs Out of Ink

For the past couple of weeks I have immersed myself in the book of Ecclesiastes. Why did I pick Ecclesiastes you might ask?! Honestly, I can’t tell you exactly why. All I know is that I wanted to further explore a book of the bible that I haven’t really dedicated my time to. I read this book in its entirety from The Message version of the Bible, which is my favorite version I might add! After reading the preface of the book, I learned that that Ecclesiastes focuses on “our total incapacity to find the meaning and completion of our lives on our own.”

God created man so that we can depend on him; He did not make us with the intention that we were to live our lives separate from Him! We are so often too happy making our own choices, decisions, plans, etc., THAT we forget to include God in them! The fleshly part of us is always looking for ways “to be more than or other than what we find ourselves to be.” We need to STOP trying to make something of our lives and place our focus on the one who is the ultimate author of our lives…GOD! Sometimes we have to put our pen down and let God do the writing. I’m grateful that my pen runs out of ink. We are arrogant and ignorant in thinking if we believe that living our lives on our own terms is acceptable!

I’ve already been there, done that. I tried to make myself “something” in this world. Newsflash: It doesn’t work. I tried planning my life the way I think it should go. And you know what the Bible calls that arrogance and ignorance. AND you know what?! I’m glad it doesn’t always work out the way WE want things. I’ve learned that the accolades of man come nowhere near the accolades of God. Yeah, while recognition in this world feels good, it is only feeding the fleshly part of us. The riches we store up in heaven by doing HIS will for our lives is far greater! Matthew 6:20 puts it simply: “Don’t hoard treasure down here where it gets eaten by moths and corroded by rust or—worse!—stolen by burglars. Stockpile treasure in heaven, where it’s safe from moth and rust and burglars. It’s obvious, isn’t it? The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being.”

I hear my generation too often say that they just want to “be alive” and “live in the moment.” I do believe we should not take any day for granted and enjoy every moment we can to the fullest; however, when people say they just want to “live in the moment,” most really mean they just want to live in THEIR moment. But what about God’s moment?! Do we ever think about that?! I’m sorry, but I see a generation giving in to what feels and looks good to the flesh part of them all too often. And when people live in their own moment, they do the most messed up and/or selfish things.

It even says in the Ecclesiastes 11:9, “You who are young, make the most of your youth. Relish your youthful vigor. Follow the impulses of your heart. If something looks good to you, pursue it. But know also that not just anything goes; You have to answer to God for every last bit of it.” Yes, the Bible tells us to make the most of our youth. God does not want us to be idle during these precious years of our life. We should be active, BUT it’s important to remember that we should be active for Jesus Christ!

Oh the things this generation could do for God if we would simply lay down our plans, hopes, and dreams at his feet! Once we throw Christ in the mix, HIS plans, hopes, and dreams for us will fill our hearts and they, in turn, will become OUR plan, hopes, and dreams! We will want to carry out his will for our lives. When the pressure starts to get to me, the arms of Christ is where I run. I’m not looking for approval from this world, but in the eyes of God’s son.


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