Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What, What, What are you doing?

Higher education is such a great thing. I feel blessed and privileged to be able to go to college; however, there is so much more to this life. Everyone knows that I am currently looking for internships, everyone knows that I will be graduating from college next May. 

*Cue the millions of questions and comments: "Well, what do you want to do after college? You know you are going to have to move to a bigger city. Are you getting your masters degree?-- no? well, how are you going to set yourself a part from the competition? That probably won't pay well."

These are valid questions. I usually find myself politely listening to these people, who I am sure have good intentions in all of their questions and comments because in the end, I know I am called to something more than the system of higher education could ever provide for me. On your death bed, it's not going to matter what college you went to, what your major was, what job you had, how much money you made....what's going to matter is how you impacted people, how you made them feel, how you loved them. I feel that I can impact people whether I am a journalist in New York City, or if I work in a flower shop, or if I work in the high school cafeteria-- even if I am a greeter at Walmart. Some of you might be thinking: "Wow, this girl has no aspirations or goals. She is such a waste of a college degree." However, I think the opposite is quite true. Though out my college career, I was able to see the type of person I didn't want to become in this life.  I aspire to not to fall into the trap of society. If its at Walmart, a cafeteria, in a city, or in another country it doesn't really matter at the end of the day. So when people ask me, "What's your plans after college?" I can smile and say, "I have no clue."

I aspire to look beyond myself to see the greater purpose I have on this earth. 

It's what I do while I'm there that matters.

I aspire to embrace where God is calling me to go, even if it's scary and uncomfortable. 

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