Sunday, February 12, 2012


I am the type of person who likes to continually challenge herself. I am the type of person who likes to ask the hard questions. Recently, I asked myself, “Do I get what this whole Christian thing is all about? Like, do I REALLY get it?” To be honest, I was a little hesitant to answer my own question.

I few weeks ago I saw someone post a status saying something along the lines of, “Why would I listen to anything a Christian has to say. They just want me to dress up on Sundays so I can apologize for being human.” As I was about to comment with a predictable “God-like” response, I stopped myself. I don’t want to say I 100% agree with that statement, but at the same time I don’t want to disagree with it either. If people are thinking that this is what Christianity is all about, then Houston, we have a problem. If this what people think Christians are like then Houston, we have an even BIGGER problem. And you know where that problem starts?...with us. The supposed Christians. Well, are we really acting as Christ-like as we think we are.

Jefferson Bethke's YouTube video, “Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus” has really spoken to my heart, along with many other things over the past few weeks. If you haven’t seen the video, it is something that you definitely want to check out, despite your beliefs. I think it really helps to give a true understanding of what Christianity is about/what is should be about. I will never forget the line, “Because if grace is water, then the church should be an ocean. It’s not a museum for good people, but it’s a hospital for the broken.” Well, you know what, too often that is what we think the Christian church is for…to collect all the “good people,” line them up, and make those “non-Christians” feel insignificant. The funny thing is the church is actually created for the opposite. The church is for the broken, hurting, the druggies, the drunks, the addicted, etc! It's for those that the world casts to the side, the poor, the needy, the homeless.

I always think of the story in the Bible where the Pharisees caught a woman in the act of adultery. They bring her to Jesus and tell him that law commands that she must be stoned. Jesus, looks at the woman and tells her to go and sin no more. Wow, does that speak volumes or what! Grace, mercy, love. This is just so powerful to me.

At the same time, this is not an excuse to do whatever we please, knowing that it is wrong.
The video goes on to say, “And Jesus absorbed all of your sin, and buried it in the tomb. Which is why I’m kneeling at the cross, saying come on there’s room.” Dear goodness does that line give me chills! Now is time to really do our homework church. None of us are deserving of the love of God. We are absolutely nothing in comparison to him. We need his grace and mercy CONTINUESSLY. Who are we to judge on who is deserving of God grace and mercy?! And even the bigger question, are we pushing people away or are will telling them that there is room at the foot of the cross for them too?! We better be VERY careful of the motive of our heart, when we are not so deserving either. When we mix religion with Jesus, get ready, because destruction is waiting right around the corner. In the Bible, Jesus actually calls the religious people fools.

One of my favorite lines from a song says, “Jesus give me your heart, mine is deceitful. Then give me your eyes because I want to see people the same way that you see them…” And that is exactly what I have been praying lately… that God gives me His eyes. I have this desire to see people the way God sees them, the way he would want me to see them. God is pretty much telling us to put our love glasses on. When we do that, that's when we really can begin to change ourselves and influence those around us. We are able to boast in our weaknesses at the foot of the cross. The place where he takes the ashes of our lives and turns them into something beautiful.

I am challenging each and every one of you, along with myself to really begin to see the church the way God designed it. Get rid of our "holier-than-thou" attitude and lets begin to act real. We can only cover up the stench of our arrogance for so long before it begins to wear off.
So go.....#PutYourLoveGlassesOn.

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